- TymeWear User Guide
- Using Tyme Wear Data
- Workout Results
Workout Results
Once the effort levels at which the thresholds lie have been measured, it’s time to put them into practice. There are many different training protocols that athletes can choose from such as polarized training, pyramidal training, threshold training, etc.
All of these protocols are based on time spent with regards to thresholds. Polarized training for example is the idea that 80% of training sessions should be classified as easy and be performed at or below VT1 whereas the remaining 20% of sessions should be difficult with a large portion spent at or above VT2.
An athlete that was focused on building an aerobic base and improving their VT1 would spend most of their time training at or below VT1. When they have accurate threshold data and a way to measure their VE in training, they can track their training distribution, validating that their training is spent at the appropriate effort level. One of our athletes wanted to do just that and an example of how to use the threshold results with the live data in the mobile app is shown below.
Workout Data Analysis
As mentioned above, all of the training data is housed on the web dashboard and some analysis is shown on the mobile app. All the basic stats about the metrics collected during the workouts are displayed in the app along with a metabolic training load calculation. The training load is also shown over a longer period of time showing a zoomed out view of the training plan.
The main analysis highlighted in the mobile app is the time spent in each training zone which paints the picture of whether or not your actual data matched the workout intention. You can see time spent in zone for individual workouts and for all workouts in a given time period such as the last 30 days or between two threshold tests.

The dashboard offers the data in two selectable plots.
- The time series plot offers all the metrics available to compare behaviors in a linear fashion.
- The comparison plot allows users to select two metrics to plot against one another on the X and Y axes. This is a great tool to see how the breathing metrics behave with respect to other metrics such as heart rate, pace, or power.